
recurring events by decade of establishment معنى

  • أحداث دورية حسب عقد التأسيس
  • recurring    adj. دوري, تواتري, ...
  • recurring events    أحداث دورية
  • events    n. أحداث
  • events by decade    أحداث حسب العقد
  • by    adv. من طريق, في س ...
  • decade    n. عقد, عشر سنوات, ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • establishment    n. مؤسسة, مجموعة ق ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. recurring decimal معنى
  2. recurring events معنى
  3. recurring events by century of disestablishment معنى
  4. recurring events by century of establishment معنى
  5. recurring events by decade of disestablishment معنى
  6. recurring events by year of disestablishment معنى
  7. recurring events by year of establishment معنى
  8. recurring events disestablished in 1934 معنى
  9. recurring events disestablished in 1937 معنى
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